Clinical Supervision
Clinical Supervision services are for MSW/LSW candidates currently seeking licensure and needing supervision hours.
The relationship between a Clinical Supervisor and Supervisee is an important one. It is a relationship built upon mutual trust, respect, support and encouragement. It can be empowering to our clinical practice, while also challenging us to become more than who we currently are.
My primary goal as a Clinical Supervisor is to assist the clinician in growing their skills, broadening their field of vision, and becoming more confident in the type of clinician they desire to be. As a social worker, I tend to have a macro approach. As a therapist, I employ macro, mezzo, and micro analysis to understand and treat my clients. I believe very firmly in structural theories, cultural competency and avoid the medical models that are pervasive in this region.
As a Clinical Supervisor, I am inquisitive as to your opinions and techniques. I can be very straight forward and provide clear direction in some cases, while asking you to fully examine your own practice if you are struggling with the ethics and values of the profession. However, occasionally our practice is being influenced by stressors in our own lives and I will assist you in maintaining balance, defining your goals, and becoming more confident in your decision to be a social worker.
As a clinician, I understand the stressors of working within a system that often times, violates our ethics and ignores the client’s needs. Many times throughout my time in the field, I have wanted to throw in the towel. I get it. But this is why a good Clinical Supervisor is important. You need someone that will do more than just review cases and criticize “paperwork and productivity.” You need someone that will remind you why you entered this noble field. You need someone that will support your goals.
Some of us may help change the world. Some, help change our communities. Others, help families grow. It is all of our responsibilities as Social Workers to help grow the individual world of those we serve.